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Showing posts from October, 2017

Self Harm...! Whether it will be useful...?

How addictions will increse your Anxiety And Depression

  Among people who are battling a depressive disorder, alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, the use of this drug tends to trigger depression symptoms like lethargy, sadness and hopelessness. However, many depressed individuals reach for drugs or alcohol as a way to lift their spirits or to numb painful thoughts. As a result, depression and substance abuse feed into each other, and one condition will often make the other worse.T hese individuals are using drugs and alcohol on a regular basis, chances are their usage will soon turn into full-blown addiction as they continue in a vain attempt to self-medicate.        When people struggle with anxiety or depression, drugs and alcohol often seem like a miraculous solution for the fear, discomfort, hopelessness or pain those disorders can cause. Unfortunately, that solution is only ever short-term. Drugs and alcohol may provide temporary relief, but when used as a means to escape a problem, those prob...

Way of seeing the world

   Things will not be remained same forever, as days move on the things will also going to change according to its shape, design, character and attitude. Here, the things also includes human beings by the time goes on they has to adopt themselves according to the situation.    For a intance - In a year only we has to face three different seasons where according to the change in climatical conditions will accure. According to the seasons we has change ourselves like changing in cloths, food etc. When only year has three changes then how many changes will be there in our whole life...?    When everyone's life  happy, sad, illness, joy, ups-downs are all common. No one will always live a happy life but few people will always live sorrowful life, which may arrived accidently but they chose it and adopted themselves to live like that. You can't live a life which is may not useful for others but it should give you a self satisfaction and worth of living...

Causes of Depression

1.Abuse   When someone may abused physically, emotionally or sexually then it increases the chance of getting depressed. 2.Anxiety    Anxiety is the fear of something that happend or going to be happen. 3.Death of loved one's    Death of most loved one's can cause depression on the mind. It may be in their  family, friends , relations or evan their pets. 34.Loss of some things   People will also get depressed when they loose the things which they liked more to be them or the things which can be stollen by someone. 5.Conflicts    Conflicts and disputes may arise with one person to another and it may also make people to get depressed. 6.Major events in life    Apart from daily life there are also many events that took place in life such as getting jobs, getting married or even having childres can also lead to depression. 7.Getting bad grades in education    All the students will not going to ge...

The problems that are Unsolvable..

 There is no such a problem which cannot be solvable. As there will always a key for every lock, every problem will also have its solution. You will going to make your problem complicated where actually it will not like that. People usually compare thier problem as smaller one and bigger one but the truth is when you compare your smaller problem with the bigger one then you will always think you can easily solve that small er one Life is always like that if go on comparing your problems with other ones then it only increases instead of that try to solve it before another will going to arise.    People who thinks they got family ,relationship, anxiety, loneliness problems are all situation which comes in everyone's life. They compare themselves with others where they will find many uncompromising things. As they depend on others they will not able to lead happy life. So we has to live our own life in our own way. Be able to face whatever the things comes in li...

Loneliness..? Then you're far away from Happiness..

   In affluent modern societies loneliness has become more difficult than satisfying hunger, thirst or the need to see the doctor. For those who are not surrounded by people who care for them, loneliness can persist.  People will experiance loneliness beacuse they are in the mindset of being alone that nobody will be there for them to talk, to take care , to share , to play or to understan them completely.   Loneliness may be mistaken as a depressive symptom, or perhaps it is assumed that loneliness will go away once depressive symptoms are addressed. One who is suffering from loneliness are willing to share everything but they have fear of facing someone directly.   In modern days adults will easily going to believe someone thourgh social media's instead of the others who are near by them. It become necessary for most of all the adults to adopt themselves with electronic machines such as Computers, Mobiles and Tabs but they don't wanted to mingle w...

Challenges faced by youth during unemployment

   There has been an increase in young adults remaining in school and getting additional degrees simply because there aren't opportunities for employment. These youth are typically of a lower class, but it can represent a wide variety of individuals across races and classes. They call the phenomenon timepass because the youth are simply passing time in college while waiting for a paid employment opportunity. 1. Lack of Qualifications       Their may be lack of qualification attained by the job seekers which will lead them for not getting the job they want. Certain requirements are important for certain post where absence of such qualifications will results in unemployment. 2.Lack of Experiance      Reputed companies will always preffer for the experianced candidates which effect on the newly graduated and freshers from intering to the company. Experianced candidates which are seeking the job are also has to work on the same field of work ...

What is Depression?

Depression is when feelings of sadness, emptiness and irritability that affects most parts of a person’s daily life, and stop them from doing things that they used to enjoy.    It’s normal to have mood swings or feel down from time to time. Young people feel sad after something upsetting has happened, like a relationship breakup or trouble with friends or family. Sometimes there is no obvious reason for feeling sad, but the feelings of sadness can pass with time. Feeling depressed is more than just feeling sad or down and it’s important to know when it can become a problem.     Sometimes people with depression experience other mental health problems too, such as anxiety, panic disorder or substance use disorders. Some young people experiment with alcohol and other drugs. These can help you feel good in the short term, but when the effects have worn off, alcohol and drugs can leave you feeling much worse in the long term.     Depression frequently ...

How to be aware of Negativity

Don't take other people's negativity too personal, It is important how you are going to see the problem or situation, if you think it can be possible then possible, if you think you can't then you can't. Always take the problems as easy and face whatever the results it going to be. Spend your time as much as possible with positive people, Show others that it's possible to be successfull if you think positive. Protect your own visions from negative influence of others, Control the way you think. No one can control your mind and youhave the power to create your own vision. Always be focused on solving of existing problems, The things mostly you can do infront of others or the things you can tell others are mostly positive things. Always talk with someone before you are going to do the something. Always support people around you, Keep on mind that the life is full of ups and downs, Always think about what you can do further instead of thinking abou...

Problems faced by Adolescene And Teenagers

 1.Physical changes - happen due to change in the teenager’s hormone levels. Change of voice and appearance of facial hair in boys is perhaps the most prominent change that takes place during adolescence. Acne is one of the major problems. Muscle gain sometimes leads to excessive body weight in teens.  2.Behavioral changes Changes in behavior which can be harmful to your child as well as others. Mostly, it is just teen behavior that will last as long as their adolescence. Adolescence is the time when kids develop and exercise their independence. This can give rise to questioning the parents’ rules. The raging hormones in teenage boys can even push them to get into physical confrontations. They would also want to listen to loud music. As a part of their new-found independence, adolescents may also want to try new things and take risks, resulting in careless behavior. Sometimes, peer pressure and the need to ‘fit in’ can make them behave in a certain way ...

Anonymous Archives :Victim Speaks Out about her problem

    I'm in love with a boy since 3 yrs.. just 1 sided..i have expresed my feelings 3 yrs back.. im so mad about him that i cant stop talking to him..i want to be atleast friends with him..I will easily excuse him for all the pain he have caused and talk to him like nothing happend..He too treats me well like a friend..sometimes like a very clse frnd and like he mean it..but ignores me whenhe is with his friends whom he likes more than me..or his sister even when im around..I dont want him to stick around only me..i just want him to atleast talk with me nicely now and then.. im being too desperate..but i cant help it.. i cant even resist not calling him for more than a day.. what do i have to do.. how do i forget him. I dont want him to love me back..I just want to get over him.. I clearly know that he is not the right one for me.. but I keep loving him.His mere presence makes me feel happy.But i cant live like this anymore.. i dont want to. I tried to stop talki...

Benefits of being truthful to yourself

* Being truthful to yourself will incereases your confidence level. * You will not more fear about others opinion.                                                        * Others willl also inspire from you and they also wanted to be truthful for themself. * Less stress makes you more productive.                                 * People always remember your presence.                                * Truth will always attracts other to speak truth.                         * People will always going trust your words without any proof.   * Being honest you can make better decisions.         ...

The secret lives of domestic abuse victims

If you are a Teen ... You could be a victim of abuse, or at risk if you are dating someone who  You will be very jealous and/or spies on you.  Others will not let you break off the relationship. Others mayhurts you in any way, is violent, or brags about hurting other people. Others puts you down or makes you feel bad. They forces you to have sex or makes you afraid to say no to sex. Abuses drugs or alcohol; pressures you to use drugs or alcohol. They has a history of bad relationships and blames iton others.  A victim often senses that the abuser is becoming edgy and more prone to lash out at trivial frustrations.  The victim may learn to anticipate abuse and try to control it by being more nurturing and compliant or by simply staying out of the abuser’s way. This phase is marked by many “minor” abusive actions that gradually increase in severity. Quite often the event which will trigger the battering phase is initiated by the abuser who may mak...

Living the past life without enjoying in present

     People live with the things which were already happened in their life and the main reason is that they are afraid or they feel guilty for that. But we should remember that the things which are happened are done with the time and moreover it will not going to be changed. So the main thing we has to focus is how to face results of that past things and how can we manage them.   We are not living in the past, its present and its a new beginning of the day to start with. Think about the things which we are doing and we have to do, Instead of thinking about the things which are done. Then surely there will be no place for the past to ruin your future. It is easy enough for us to say that we should live in the present, but reality almost always conspires against it. Tensions rise, tempers fly, and life is anything but peace and tranquility. It is a constant test of patience. Here is another, simple, practice that might help in such tense, out-of-control,...

Anonymous archives: battered victim speak out

   I had a break up a few months back..after an year long relationship .I thought I shall soon get over it, but even after 5 months ,I still find myself brooding over it. I still remember everything and every incident clearly even after all my efforts to forget. Even after such a long time I find myself sad and empty inside.I still hope that everything will soon be as it was earlier. I tried a lotto motivate myself,by thinking about my ambitions. But I have slowly begun to realize that is probably depression .And I think that this is because I have no one to share my feelings with. I feel that perhaps an emotional support can be best helpful for a situation such as mine.      I used to be a low confident girl before the relationship. It improved me froman introvert. And now that it has ended,I find myself going backto the same state again. I read about what one can do to come out of such stress. One of the suggestions was to mingle with friends.I am not...

10 early signs you're part of an emotionally abusive relationship

1.Your partner will make you doubt yourself. 2.Abusers will throw you crumbs. 3.Emotional abusers giveth then taketh away. 4.Abusers make you feel as if you’re walking on eggshells. 5.Your partner makes you feel guilty about wanting to see your friends and family, or going anywhere on your own. 6.Your partner makes you feel like you aren’t good enough for him or her; your partner says he or she coulddo better, and you should be thankful to be in the relationship. 7.Your partner insists on always being right and doing things his or her way, because you are always wrong. 8.This is not jealousy driven by care, but jealousy driven by control. An emotional abuser will make you feel guilty or evil or shameful for simple, innocent interactions with others. 9.Along the same lines, they will try to control your spending as well as your social ties. This is how an abuser reduces an adult to the level of a child, cutting off their autonomy, begging for money for the simple...

Support groups or individual counseling?

  Group counseling, involves simultaneous interaction with people typically outside the client's social and familial network: relative strangers. Sometimes the groups are homogeneous, with people in the group having similar issues, and other times they are heterogeneous, with the members having diverse background and concerns. The facilitators of groups are looking for the dynamics typically within the moment—the here and now—which reflect the current issues in the members' lives. In other words,the interaction between the members reveals the dynamics that have emerged from the family.     While in the other hand, an individual counseling is the issues are brought forth with one therapist listening and responding to the concerns. The type of feedback that is given, or if feedback is given, is dependent on   the therapist's training. The highly personalnatureof the exchange between the therapist and the client allows for specific focus on the issuesprese...