- A teenager is getting bad grades at school. This can cause a problem because the parents of a teen who is not getting the best grades in school will be worried about him graduating and getting into college.
- Inconsistent and excessively severe discipline
- It becomes necessary for the parents to argue with their teens. This argument is for good reasons only.
- Family conflict.
- A teenager who has friends that do things their parents do not approve of can end up doing those things too, and the teen's friends will probably not be received well by the parents.
- Teens demand love and proper attention from parents towards them.
- A parent who is overly strict with their teenager will probably have problems with him at some point.
- Lack of communication causes a lot of problems between parents and teenagers. It is important for both parties to communicate.
- Insufficient parental supervision and monitoring
- Favorable parental attitudes toward adolescent alcohol and drug use, and parental alcoholism or drug use.
- When the teens wanted to live individual life by separating from their parents.
- When teens decides to take the subjects which are opposed by their parents
Things will not be remained same forever, as days move on the things will also going to change according to its shape, design, character and attitude. Here, the things also includes human beings by the time goes on they has to adopt themselves according to the situation. For a intance - In a year only we has to face three different seasons where according to the change in climatical conditions will accure. According to the seasons we has change ourselves like changing in cloths, food etc. When only year has three changes then how many changes will be there in our whole life...? When everyone's life happy, sad, illness, joy, ups-downs are all common. No one will always live a happy life but few people will always live sorrowful life, which may arrived accidently but they chose it and adopted themselves to live like that. You can't live a life which is may not useful for others but it should give you a self satisfaction and worth of living...
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