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Self Harm...! Whether it will be useful...?

How addictions will increse your Anxiety And Depression

  Among people who are battling a depressive disorder, alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, the use of this drug tends to trigger depression symptoms like lethargy, sadness and hopelessness. However, many depressed individuals reach for drugs or alcohol as a way to lift their spirits or to numb painful thoughts. As a result, depression and substance abuse feed into each other, and one condition will often make the other worse.These individuals are using drugs and alcohol on a regular basis, chances are their usage will soon turn into full-blown addiction as they continue in a vain attempt to self-medicate.
      When people struggle with anxiety or depression, drugs and alcohol often seem like a miraculous solution for the fear, discomfort, hopelessness or pain those disorders can cause. Unfortunately, that solution is only ever short-term. Drugs and alcohol may provide temporary relief, but when used as a means to escape a problem, those problems will only worsen, not go away.
   One thing can be certain though, it is nigh impossible to determine how anxiety or depression factors in someone’s life if they are abusing drugs and alcohol. Often the very first step in a treatment plan or program to address anxiety and depression is to make sure the person has a period of continuous sobriety.
Anxiety and depression can be marked by strong feelings of hopelessness, worry, agitation, despair, fear, guilt, and worthlessness. Drinking and using drugs can amplify these feeling to a strong degree, or, in people prone to depressive or anxious traits; they can bring them out after long-term substance abuse.Addiction not only increases the likelihood a person will take his or her own life, the disease itself is used as a method of committing suicide.
    The mental health issue and the drug or alcohol addiction have their own unique symptoms that may get in the way of your ability to function, handle life’s difficulties, and relate to others. To make the situation more complicated, the co-occurring disorders also affect each other and interact. When a mental health problem goes untreated, the substance abuse problem usually gets worse as well. And when alcohol or drug abuse increases, mental health problems usually increase too.Substance abuse may sharply increase symptoms of mental illness or trigger new symptoms. Alcohol and drug abuse also interact with medications such as antidepressants, anti-anxiety pills, and mood stabilizers, making them less effective.


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